Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jarvan IV - The Exemplar Of Demacia

As the royal family of Demacia for centuries, members of the Lightshield line have spent their lives waging war against anyone who opposed Demacian ethics. It's said that every Lightshield is born with anti-Noxian sentiment in his blood. Jarvan IV is no exception, even though he is the first Lightshield born to the age of League of Legends. As his forefathers before him, he led Demacian troops into bloody engagements with Noxian forces, and on many occasions he has bled along side wounded allies and fallen comrades. In his most crushing defeat, he was outmaneuvered and captured by a Noxian battalion under the command of Jericho Swain. This mistake nearly costs him his own life at the hands of Urgot but he was rescued by the Dauntless Vanguard, an elite Demacian strike force led by Jarvan's childhood companion, Garen.

Those who close to him believed that his capture changed him. Xin Zhao was quoted as saying: " His eyes never seemed to look at you, only through you to something that he could not look away from." One day without warning, Jarvan IV handpicked a squad of Demacian soldiers and left Demacia, vowing to find "atonement". He began by tracking and hunting the most dangerous beasts and bandits he could find in the northern Valoran, but he soon tired of such prey. Seeking something that only he understood, he ventured south of the Great Barrier. He was never heard of again for nearly two years. After many had assumed the worst, he returned to glorious fanfare of the streets of Demacia. His Demacian plates were adorned with the bones and scales of creatures unknown. His eyes bore the wisdom of twice his age. Of twelve soldiers who had departed with him, only two returned. In a tone as cold and steady as steel, he swore to bring down the enemies of Demacia to their knees.

"There is only one truth, and you will find it at the point of my lance."
-The "last words" of Jarvan IV at his failed execution.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Shaco- The Demon Jester

Most would say that death isn't funny. It isn't, unless you're Shaco- then it's hysterical. He is Valoran's first fully functioning homicidal comic, he jests until someone dies, then he laughs. The figure that has come to be known as the Demon Jester is an enigma. No one fully agrees from whence he came, and Shaco never offers any details of his own. A popular belief is that Shaco is not of Runeterra - that he is a thing summoned from a dark and twisted world. But still others believed that he is the demonic manifestation of humanity's dark urges and therefore could not be reasoned with. The most plausible belief is that Shaco is an assassin for hire, left to his own lunatic until his services are needed. Shaco certainly has proven himself to be a cunning individual, evading authorities at every turn who might seek him for questioning for some horrendous, law-breaking atrocity. While such scuttlebutt might reassure the native inhabitants of Valoran, it seems unimaginable that such a malfeasant figure is allowed to remain at large.

Whatever you do, don't tell him you missed the punch line.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The life of a poor soldier

All these suffering... sometimes even i can't hold them... in search of a happy life... a poor soldier once very proud, now lives in agony... all of the broken promises... all of those memories are killing him, slowly as his life is drain away by the suffering... those memories are poison... life is kept as a prisoner... never had a chance to do his free will... the sweet promises made, are complete lies... he kept praying to God, asking why couldn't he has his own free will? to be free like a bird... not being kept in the dungeon like a prisoner... he kept wondering why he is treated like this... he did as the king and queen commanded... he had done his best, but what did the king and queen saw? to them, this soldier means nothing, just a helpless slave... all of his hard work, seen as a trash... he did one mistake and the whole kingdom see him as a traitor... all of the good things, the good sacrifice, were never seen by all humanity... he even once saved the king's princess's life... what did he get as a reward? he gets nothing... and now, he's just helpless, all hopes and dreams are crushed... no one ever cared about him, as an exchange for him caring about everyone... one little child cry, he will come to help... the poor soldier screams in pain, no one is there to help...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What does the heart wants?

Whatever our heart needs, try to fulfill it...
Whatever our heart wants, try to tame it, don't let them always have what it wants...
if not, you'll lose your true heart, you can change into something horrible...
what it wants, does not mean that they need it...
if you always feed them with things that they desire, the feeling of greed will take over...
although it's not easy to deny what the heart desire, we have to try...
try to take control of that desire...
so that we can free ourselves from being greedy, selfish, making foolish decision, taking the wrong steps in our lives, steps that'll make us regret for the rest of our lives...
take careful steps when we make decision...
make sure that we'll never get lost in the stream of life...
this piece of advice is for all to learn, to think before they act...
not to act before thinking, and regret for what they've done...
so that they won't cry over spilt milk...
Always remember to protect your honor...
for each decision you make, steps you take...

Written by: Light

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pengalaman di Kursus Fasilitator (Introduction)

Ooops i'm sorry...
Cek ni btoi2 dh menghantuk... Ooops mengantuk... ( Klau dh mengantuk tu tido jelah... -.-')
Ni cek nak habaq mai kat hangpa semua nih...
Tentang kem fasilitator sepertimana yang telah saya nyatakan dalam post saya yg lps...
Alhamdulillah kursus tersebut telah berjalan dgn lancar... x ada apa2 masalah yang mengganggu perjalanan kursus tersebut...

Kursus itu dilaksanakan di Hotel Primula, Terengganu...
Kami dapat tau yg hotel tu bru lps upgrade... And 4 ur information mmg still under construction... Bru siap 95%... Kami adalah sekumpulan pelajar yg pertama menjalankan kursus di sana... Pada mulanya, cg nk buat kat tempat laen... Tp memandangkan kami ini semua bakal fasilitator, cg pon buat laa kat hotel tu.... Camna beres?

Seperti yg dijangkakan... Mmg ramai kengkawan yg saya dapat berkenalan... Diorg mmg baek punye... Huhu... Dari roomate hingga kawan dalam bas sumuanya sporting2 belaka... Jd senang laa hati saya... Ad jugak jumpak ngan kawan lama, Ezzati...( Mak ai! Sapa pulak dia nih?!)
Banyak perkara yang telah sy pelajari di sana... Contohnya, cara2 untuk menyampaikan maklumat dengan berkesan, cara2 untuk mengelakkan kegugupan dan mcm2 lagi...( Bercakapnya boleh ka tidak?)
Jadi sedikit dan mmg x banyak sy nk bagitau yg ringkas sahaja dalam post ni... Kerana sy pon nk tido jugak esok nk skolah... Dan mmg dkt kursus tu letih... Tp x pa... Nanti kalau ad masa sy sambung lagi... Kalau boleh dari A-Z saya cerita...

P/S: Kalau ad apa2 solan... jgn malu nk bertanya... Just leave a comment in the comment section below... And tgk laa cam mane... Selagi boleh dijawab... saya jawab... K geng? Sy nk pi berehat pula... Asalamualaikum...


Friday, April 8, 2011

Kursus Fasilitator Sahabat PPDa Petronas

Asalamualaikum kepada semua pembaca, yang akan membaca dan kepada semua yg telah membaca... (Tu pun kalau ada...)
Saya ingin memberitahu satu perkara sahaja pada kali ini.... (Jd mesti pendek saja kan3??)
Sudah semestinya that this is probably(<-- betoi x ejaan nie?) not interesting...
Sbb saya x ada kerja jd nk bagitau kat hampa semua nie yg eden nnti nk pergi kursus fasilitator pada hari ahd,isnin, dan selasa minggu hadapan...(<-- Eleh mamat nie... Yang ni pon nk bagitau... Pi daa...)(<-- Ko diam bace jelah...)
Beberapa sekolah telah terpilih utk mengikuti kem ini... Termasuklah sekolah SMKSI, SMKBAS, SMKC ( <--sekolah sendiri highlight tuuu!!), TESMAL, dan akhir sekali SMKB...
Setiap sekolah menghantar wakil sebanyak 4 org...(Kecuali sekolah Binjai, hanya 3 org sahaja... Knpe? Gua pon x tau...) Jd sume2 berjumlah 17 org... ( Ni nk habaq mai kat hangpa semua nih... Cek betoi2 x sabaq nak pergi tau... Kot2 laa dapat kwn bru...)(Tu pon kalau ada...)
Mai kita tgk apa brg yang depa suroh bawa...( X payahlaa... Nk buat apa?)
Mereka x habaq mai kat cek kene bwk berapa... So cek nk jimat cek listkan seperti yg berikut:
1. Uniform sekolah (Malas btol nk iron... -.-')
2. Pakaian harian (Kompem pakai bju yg sama 3 hari...)
3. Pakaian sukan (1 cukup lah kot)
4. Pakaian tidur (Pakaian sukan tu je...)(<-- pelik btoi deni)
5. Tuala mandi (Bwk 1... X pakai pon)
6. Sabun mandi (Kongsi jewwww...)
7. Berus gigi ( Kongsi jgk...)(OMK!!)
8. Selipar ( Kat surau sana ad bnyk... 'Sedekah' 1)
9. Pakaian sembahyang ( Warna apa ya?)
10. Selimut ( Gua x pakai selimut daa... -.-')
11. Pakaian kemas diri (<-- What does this supose to mean?)
12. Alat tulis ( Mmg wajib...)
13. Lain2 keperluan diri ( Kompem laptop, PSP, NDS, Wii... Pon perkare wajib)
14. Ubat-ubatan jika perlu ( Cth ubat... Dentin- Utk kebersihan gigi, junk food- For instant energy, yang terbaik bekalan coklat yg bnyk (Ubat apa?? Ubat utk mndapatakan penyakit))

           Petikan membincangkan peralatan yang wjar dibawa ketika berada di Kem Kursus Fasilitator Sahabat PPDa Petronas.
(Pehal plak nie?! Nk buat rumusan BM ke apa? Tp x apa format btol... Ditulis dalam satu ayat sahaja dan perkataan pertama isi tersurat ditukarkan... 2 MARKAH!!)

Jd sedikit sebanyak tu jelah yang gua mahu kasi tau kat korang... Doakan supaya selamat pergi dan balik... Dan semoga kursus ini berjalan dgn lancar... Dan juga harapan saya supaya sume org kat sana dpt kujadikan kawan... Nnti bila cek dh balik cek cerita kat hangpa semua... Kalau ad peluang video pon gua amil... Ok? Dah laa tu cek pon nk pergi kemas2 barang... See you soon... Asalamualaikum...

Monday, December 27, 2010


Loveless - Prologue
When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting.

Loveless - Act I
Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess
We seek it thus, and take it to the sky
Ripples form on the water’s surface
The wandering soul knows no rest.

Loveless - Act II
There is no hate, only joy
For you are beloved by the goddess
Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds
Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul
Pride is lost
Wings stripped away, the end is nigh

Loveless - Act III
My friend, do you fly away now?
To a world that abhors you and I?
All that awaits you is a somber morrow
No matter where the winds may blow
My friend, your desire
Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return.

Loveless - Act IV
My friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honor remains
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
Legend shall speak
Of sacrifice at world’s end
The wind sails over the water’s surface
Quietly, but surely.

Loveless - Act V -Made by Genesis-
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return
To become the dew that quenches the land
To spare the sands, the seas, the skies
I offer thee this silent sacrifice.