Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jarvan IV - The Exemplar Of Demacia

As the royal family of Demacia for centuries, members of the Lightshield line have spent their lives waging war against anyone who opposed Demacian ethics. It's said that every Lightshield is born with anti-Noxian sentiment in his blood. Jarvan IV is no exception, even though he is the first Lightshield born to the age of League of Legends. As his forefathers before him, he led Demacian troops into bloody engagements with Noxian forces, and on many occasions he has bled along side wounded allies and fallen comrades. In his most crushing defeat, he was outmaneuvered and captured by a Noxian battalion under the command of Jericho Swain. This mistake nearly costs him his own life at the hands of Urgot but he was rescued by the Dauntless Vanguard, an elite Demacian strike force led by Jarvan's childhood companion, Garen.

Those who close to him believed that his capture changed him. Xin Zhao was quoted as saying: " His eyes never seemed to look at you, only through you to something that he could not look away from." One day without warning, Jarvan IV handpicked a squad of Demacian soldiers and left Demacia, vowing to find "atonement". He began by tracking and hunting the most dangerous beasts and bandits he could find in the northern Valoran, but he soon tired of such prey. Seeking something that only he understood, he ventured south of the Great Barrier. He was never heard of again for nearly two years. After many had assumed the worst, he returned to glorious fanfare of the streets of Demacia. His Demacian plates were adorned with the bones and scales of creatures unknown. His eyes bore the wisdom of twice his age. Of twelve soldiers who had departed with him, only two returned. In a tone as cold and steady as steel, he swore to bring down the enemies of Demacia to their knees.

"There is only one truth, and you will find it at the point of my lance."
-The "last words" of Jarvan IV at his failed execution.

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