Friday, May 18, 2012

The life of a poor soldier

All these suffering... sometimes even i can't hold them... in search of a happy life... a poor soldier once very proud, now lives in agony... all of the broken promises... all of those memories are killing him, slowly as his life is drain away by the suffering... those memories are poison... life is kept as a prisoner... never had a chance to do his free will... the sweet promises made, are complete lies... he kept praying to God, asking why couldn't he has his own free will? to be free like a bird... not being kept in the dungeon like a prisoner... he kept wondering why he is treated like this... he did as the king and queen commanded... he had done his best, but what did the king and queen saw? to them, this soldier means nothing, just a helpless slave... all of his hard work, seen as a trash... he did one mistake and the whole kingdom see him as a traitor... all of the good things, the good sacrifice, were never seen by all humanity... he even once saved the king's princess's life... what did he get as a reward? he gets nothing... and now, he's just helpless, all hopes and dreams are crushed... no one ever cared about him, as an exchange for him caring about everyone... one little child cry, he will come to help... the poor soldier screams in pain, no one is there to help...


  1. sometimes the poor soldier just need to rest and stop to chase the shadow

  2. to turn over for a new leaf... at least there is someone who cares about the soldier... =)
