Sunday, December 19, 2010

Modern dragon- The Komodo Dragon

Hello! Welcome to my second post on the most amazing animals on earth. This time i'm going to reveal you the facts of the Komodo dragon, the modern day dragon.The Komodo dragon or their scientific name Varanus komodoensis is a large species of lizard that can be found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, and Gili Motang. It's known as the largest living lizard of today, it can grow up to 2 to 3 meters long and weighing around 70 kilograms. Komodo dragons prey mostly on carrion, they will also hunt and ambush prey including invertebrates, birds, and mammals.  Although attacks are very rare on humans, but each one of the attacks could be fatal. On June 4, 2007 a Komodo dragon attacked an eight-year-old boy, the boy later died of massive bleeding from his wounds, and on March 24, 2009, two Komodo Dragons attacked and killed fisherman Muhamad Anwar on the Komodo island .The reason it's one of the world's deadly and successful predator is not only of it's giant body, claws and teeth for grappling it's prey, it's also because it has a secret weapon, it's saliva! It saliva contains containsseptic pathogens, specifically the bacteria: E. Coli, Staphylococcus sp., Providencia sp., Proteus morgani and P. mirabilis. The general uses of the saliva is to make a cleaner diet and the use of antibiotics, but it can also be used to kill or paralyze it's prey. Believe it or not, although it's a very strong kind of animal, but it's an endangered species. Measures need to be increased to overcome this problem or this unique species of animal will be extinct! That's all for this post on the Komodo dragon. For further info on the Komodo dragon click on the link on top of this post. Thank you for reading my post, I'm Hazman afif and I approve this post. Leave your interesting and creative comments in the comment section below.

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