Saturday, December 18, 2010

Final Fantasy- Sephiroth


Hey there! I'm glad you are still reading my blog. This time I'm going to tell you about my favorite villian character in Final Fantasy, Sephiroth! He was a legendary member of SOLDIER, he is a prototype SOLDIER and the strongest one alive (there were three legendary members of SOLDIER, Sephiroth, Genesis and Angeal. Sadly they both died in Final Fantasy Crisis Core. Watch the video that I have uploaded up on the top to see the three legendary member of SOLDIER practising.), Sephiroth is initially revered for his strength and hailed as a hero, until he learns and misinterprets his origins.  Believing himself as the last of the Ancients, Sephiroth enacts a vendetta against mankind, with the ultimate goal of controlling the Planet. Sephiroth's goals later on include defeating Cloud, who has consistently foiled his plans. To this end, Sephiroth is frequently depicted as Cloud's arch-nemesis. He uses a weapon, Masamune, with a ridiculous length of 8 feet long! His personality is cold ruthlessnes, although he was  not particularly anti-social, as he has friends in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII and willingly tells Zack and Tifa about Mako and Materia on Mt. Nibel.Sephiroth is very intelligent, and is respectful to those he deems worthy, he considered Professor Gast a great scientist, but looked down on Professor Hojo and described him as "a walking mass of complexes". Well-spoken and somewhat graceful, Sephiroth is universally calm, collected, and in control. This is the summary of sephiroth that i can make up for you, for full information of Sephiroth and about Final Fantasy VII click on the link on top of this posts. Leave your interesting and creative comments in the comment section below. I'm Hazman Afif and I approve this post.


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